Finally, the right online collaboration toolThere are great online-video-tools for meetings or events, however, how about a specific video tool for what you do between meetings…Dec 21, 2022Dec 21, 2022
Don’t be afraid of changeMore than a year ago I decided to go my own way and found my own company. Not an easy decision, not an easy path, but I don’t regret it for…May 25, 2022May 25, 2022
A serious message to all leadersLooking on the worst things happening today, climate change, hot and cold wars, then you can likely go mad about the question how we got…Apr 18, 2022Apr 18, 2022
The most important rule for teamworkWe had become accustomed to working from home over the past 2 years. Do you prefer to work from home, go to the office or do you want a…Mar 16, 2022Mar 16, 2022
Work From Home — Increasing trend figuresThe pandemic situation has influenced the labour market towards WFH. In UK, Germany and France the amount of job offers in LinkeIn…Dec 21, 2021Dec 21, 2021
How do I tell my mom that I want to be an entrepreneur?The German Nobel Prize Laureate Hermann Hesse (1877–1962) knew at a the age of 15 that he want to become “a Poet, or nothing”. His parents…Dec 8, 2021Dec 8, 2021
product MANAGEMENTThere are discussions going on if the Product Manager is really the CEO of his product, a “mini” CEO, or however you might phrase it. I…Oct 14, 2021Oct 14, 2021
10 rules — How to write a Business PlanSuccessful stories have in common that people want to read them to the end, that once finished they are happy about what they have just…Oct 13, 2021Oct 13, 2021
Product Management in OrganizationsProduct management is an essential function in a company, innovation needs product management, and the people who do it should have…Oct 4, 2021Oct 4, 2021